February 23, 2025

auto picnicAlthough it isn’t as unusual as it used to be, being the owner of a hybrid car may have had your neighbors or work mates labeling you the “wacko conservation nut.” Luckily, as hybrid and electric cars become more mainstream, and more of the public understands the importance of reducing vehicle emissions, the next term floating around may become “wacko pollution lover.”

While neither term adequately describes the true beliefs of those labeled as such, there can be a lot said about the positive feelings a person experiences from knowing they are doing what they can to avoid adding more vehicle exhaust to the atmosphere.

Having a positive, happy experience is something that people want to share with others who are like minded and this always leads to people getting together to spread the word about things that they like. Having a hybrid or electric car is no different and there are thousands of groups all over the world that you can join and have a lot of fun.

Why Join a Group

When you own a hybrid or electric car, joining a group or club has many positive things to offer. Probably first and foremost is that they are social gatherings where you can make new friends. The ice is already broken because you and everyone else are there because of the type of car you own. Undoubtedly, you will have an opportunity to get to know some members online before meeting in person. Meeting in person after becoming acquainted online is always good fun.

Another advantage of joining a group of people who own the same kind of car you have is obtaining advice. Just like any other car owner, you want a good mechanic for when your car needs work, and there is nothing better than getting recommendations from people you know. There are bound to be people who have needed the services of a mechanic before you and they will be happy to share their experiences with you – good or bad. Therefore, not only will you likely get the names of good mechanics, you’ll also know which ones to avoid.

If you like accessorizing your car, being in a club also can get you great advice on where the best prices and best service are to be found.

Also, like any car club, there are gear heads for hybrid and electric cars, too. They are always tinkering and learning about their choice of car and are almost always willing to offer advice.

Finding a Group

Obviously, finding groups can be as easy as searching the Internet for hybrid car clubs. Inputting the name of your city along with your club search can certainly help narrow the results. You can also try MeetUp.com to find a group or two if you’re not in the mood for doing a lot of sorting.


Hybrid Events