March 9, 2025

Toyota Prius Prime on Gas Savings

First of all, the Prius Prime has proven to achieve impressive mileage figures very easily. This new plug-in model of Prius has been projected to cover up to 25 miles using battery energy only. This exceeds two times the electric power range of the previous Prius plug-in.  In addition, the Prime will remain in electric […]

Electric Cars

The Reason 2016’s Toyota Prius Deserves to be the Globe’s Most Attractive Energy Vehicle

Last fall, photos of the 4th generation Toyota Prius Liftback started appearing online. Based on a highly relevant criteria, this car could be one of the globe’s most attractive vehicles. Many are wondering how attractive this car is. The attractiveness is with respect to being pocket-friendly. Critics have often raised concerns regarding the aesthetics of […]

Hybrid Cars

A 4-Year Low for Electric and Hybrid Car Market Share

The charge is fading for most hybrid and electric cars regardless of the fact that Tesla Motors still has a buzz. Hybrid and electric cars are in less demand with gasoline costs still well below a year earlier. Though there has been a rebound of pump prices from the July to January plunge, a May […]

Green News and Products

Toyota’s Legacy of the Prius Being the World’s Most Successful Line of Hybrid Car

The newest entrant into the list of most successful hybrid car line is 2016 Toyota Prius. Contrary to its predecessors, the 2016 Prius happens to be quite attractive looking. The car has the appearance of a standard sedan rather than a mere scientific experiment. This is according to a Los Angeles Times’ report. Recently, the […]

Hybrid Cars