February 23, 2025

'12_Nissan_Leaf_(MIAS_'12)A local gathering that was attended by NRG Energy’s, Scott Fisher provided highlights of the major benefits or value of electric car ownership. It is clear that owning a car such as a Nissan Leaf would save the owner some money. The cost of running such a vehicle of the same make would amount to a yearly average savings of 600 dollars. This amount is clearly less compared to ownership of a gasoline-fueled vehicle. It is also worth noting that maintaining an electric car is less costly and less frequent in comparison to gasoline-fueled car. Mr. Fisher asserted that that electricity is produced by the state at a substantially cheap rate utilizing a combination of natural gas, coal and renewables, and this is beneficial to local owners of electric cars.

Mr. Fisher further noted that there are numerous developments in place to enhance the convenience of electric car ownership. A good example of such a development is the fact that the number of car manufacturers that produce electric cars is gradually increasing. Recently, BMW joined Nissan Leaf, Chevrolet Volt, Ford and Tesla’s numerous options. Soon, Volvo and Audi are expected to follow suit. China has made clear its intention to build a California plant worth one billion dollars to manufacturer Tesla’s competitor with respect to sales in the United States and China. China is currently the global leader in emission of carbon dioxide and poisonous air, and hence, efforts are directed towards producing electric cars.

Considering China’s push towards becoming the leading producer of solar panels, we can expect the investment and effort put in green car production. Interestingly, Apple has the plan of venturing into the electric car market along with its devotees across the globe. Another development is that soon there will be increased mileage in Nissan and Ford models. While most owners are content with the current mileage of 70-100 miles, it is evident that a higher range will attract more drivers. A third development worth mentioning is the fact that the number of electric car charging stations is increasing rapidly. These stations are widely spread in shopping centers, urban localities, at schools, parking lots and along highways. It is therefore not uncommon to find a car such as Nissan Leaf parked overnight and not plugged to an electric source. In such a case, the car owner may opt to recharge the vehicle at the work premises. Depending on company policies, charging a vehicle at the work place further minimizes the owner’s cost.


Electric Cars